Do you agree
with these
Our profession is facing an epidemic crisis in burnout, professionalism, and suicide, and has some physicians feeling that they are unable to be courageous and advocate for a better way and system for their patients.
Learners entering medicine see the profession as a “way to improve the world”. However, medical education in its current state places a heavy emphasis on individual personal performance. The current approach does more to constrain a learner’s potential rather than to promote it, and reduces a student’s resilience, creativity, and empathy.
Medical education is misguided in using methods for developing technical competence (e.g., acquiring knowledge & skills and assessing outcomes) on aspects of education which are not technical in nature (e.g. professional identity, empathy, purpose, and leadership).
Current methods in medical education are inadequate . A whole new approach is needed.
Love med ed
MISSION: Re-inventing Medical Education

We seek to re-invent medical education to promote authenticity, love, and purpose – the foundations of true leadership and professional development.
Love med ed
Committing to VALUES
Speaking the truth, living in congruence with your values
Showing up with compassion and courage for your colleagues and patients
Being a committed to something greater than yourself
Love med ed
Building a Movement
We will build a community of people who share our values and will demonstrate courage through dialogue and action, in essence ‘walking the walk’. The community will inspire and empower learners and faculty to actualize their own purpose in medicine and act as agents of change.
This is the work of actual TRANSFORMATION

What do YOU believe?
Will you choose to join the movement?
If Yes, Please let us know how to contact you and if you’d like, Share your comment below.